Search Wide and Deep
One of the easiest steps to take in your software search is to use a search engine like Google or Yahoo to find program that will be useful to you. After all, if you've made the effort to buy a pocket PC then you should tailor to your needs. An easy and valuable search term is "pocket PC software" (quotes included). Most of the top results you'll find will be pocket PC software directories that contain many applications for your device. You can "search wide" by visiting as many of these directories as possible. Then, you can "search deep" by exploring each of the sub-categories within each site for valuable additions.
Three Favorite Pocket PC Programs
I own an HP iPAC that I've loaded dozens of programs into over the years. Although I've added and removed many of program since I first bought my pocket PC, I've found the following three to be infinitely valuable:
1. DataGatherer - This is a nifty program that allows users to create databases that can be filled out on your pocket PC and uploaded to your desktop or notebook computer. This powerful program allows you to create checkboxes for easy data entry (I love this about the program). My good friend has created a health log on her Dell Axim pocket PC that she checks off the types of food she eats and the exercise she gets each day. Each week she prints the data from her desktop computer to see how she's fared. Neat, huh?
2. Mobiler - I really like this program, and it should convince you to buy a pocket PC if you haven't already done so. In essence, it allow you to "broadcast" what's on you pocket PC screen to a nearby desktop or notebook computer. When you have this working for you there's really no need to work on a larger computer because you can see the contents of your pocket PC in a format that most are accustomed to.
3. Men of the Bible & USA Today Free Subscription - Okay, I said there would be three programs but I slipped in a fourth. My Men of the Bible upload is essential reading. I see so much of the strengths and frailties of mankind in these figures that it constantly keeps me humble and in tune with my own character decisions. This alone is a great reason to buy a pocket PC. Another great reason is to stay in touch with news, entertainment and finances. The USA Today Free subscription can help you do just that.
We've logged thousand of hours on many models of pocket PCs and we're excited by two of the top competing Pocket PCs that were mentioned in this article. CLICK ON EITHER of these Pocket PC links if you want to learn more about the HP iPAQ hx2495b