Out of the Box
The first thing you'll notice when you buy a pocket PC and pop open the box is that the makers of the most popular units include everything you need to get up and running in no time. The typical start up routine includes setting the date, time and time zone. Then, most units will give you the option of setting a password to protect your pocket PC from tampering or theft.
Following that, you'll be asked if you'd like to take the tour of features that are included in your pocket PC. My recommendations is to always take the tour. Tours are a fantastic way to see some of the features included in your unit demonstrated in a professional way. We're partial to the HP iPAC here, and their demonstration of features exceeds all others.
Link Up, Sync Up
Now the fun begins! One of the REAL benefits of owning a top-of-the-line pocket PC (we also recommend the Dell Axim) is having the ability to load a great array of software and other goodies from your notebook or desktop computer. One of the first things you need to do is upload some music to your unit. That will make it feel like it's really yours from that moment forward. While you're at it, transfer a DVD or a few videos from YouTube to your pocket PC and you'll be in business.
We also recommend that you visit the manufacturer's website from your notebook or desktop computer to download any patches or upgrades of the pocket PC's software to take full advantage of any improvements the manufacturer has made. It's always easier (and faster) to find these upgrades on a faster computer and then "sync" them over to your unit instead of trying to download them directly from the pocket PC. I hope that you're starting to see that this flexibility through downloading is one of the key reasons why you want to buy a pocket PC.
Finally, go online with your pocket PC and bookmark a few of your favorite sites (as well as your workplace's website link) so that you'll have these resources instantly available to you when you need them. Again, are you starting to begin to see why you want to buy a pocket PC? We're absolutely convinced they're the "must have" personal and business tool for the next few decades. We hope that you are too.
We've done quite a bit of reading and testing of various devices and we're excited by two of the top competing Pocket PCs that we mentioned earlier in this article. CLICK ON EITHER of these Pocket PC links if you want to learn more about the HP iPAQ hx2495b